It's ready. After 5 months and I really don't want to know how many hours, the Guide to Social Media Analysis is complete. This is my guide to the companies who monitor, measure and analyze social media for business worldwide. It's the most complete reference available, and it's available for download today. Finally!
The Guide to Social Media Analysis is geared toward answering three questions:
- Who offers social media analysis services?
- What do they really offer?
- What makes one vendor different from the others?
The result is an independent look at the options for clients and agencies who are looking for social media monitoring, measurement and research. Vendors are included based on meeting the selection criteria: they offer social media analysis services or software using their own technology.
They did not pay to be included. The Guide covers vendors with applications for marketing, PR, customer service, security, investors and more.
What's in it:
- Profiles of 31 vendors based in 9 countries. Each profile includes a description of the vendor's services, investor information, company stats and full contact details.
- An overview of industry services and trends.
- A table summarizing which services each vendor offers.
- A matrix of vendors' language capabilities across 37 languages.
- Over 30 sample graphics and screenshots.
The 75-page Guide to Social Media Analysis is a PDF download, available for $500 at You heard it here first.
Update: I posted more details on what's in the profiles. A sample profile is available on the product page.
18 August 2008: The Guide to Social Media Analysis, Second Edition is now available. The new edition includes 63 vendor profiles, observations on trends since last year, and a new table summarizing vendor coverage of different types of social media.
Tags: social media analysis brandmonitoring blogmonitoring social media marketing pr