Irony 2.0


Heard (or possibly said) in the vicinity of an open bar—or on a blog. Is there a difference?

  • A-list bloggers saying traffic doesn't matter.
    You can't converse with them if they never find you.

  • Hypesters decrying hype.
    Early mainstream adoption is, apparently, boring to early adopters.

  • Experts saying there's no such thing as an expert.
    Who's to say?

  • Wikipedians questioning the existence of social media.
    That's right, you're part of a trend that has no name.



Nice job. All 4 of those ironies happen to be pet peeves of mine as well. My only measure for experts, blogs, and products, is their commitment to excellence. We don't need any more "mediocre" anything.

Thanks, Jeff. Mediocrity is always plentiful, and I try to avoid adding to the supply.

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