Every customer's bill of rights

What if the fine print were customer friendly? Would it still be fine print, or would it be up front and bold?

Mark Hopkins was our last-minute panelist today, since David is fighting a virus. I'm sorry we missed David, but glad to meet Mark.

Mark has a blog, so of course I read it before today's meeting. He says it was an experiment to help him understand the blogger mindset, but I don't think he can stay in experimental mode. He's already making interesting points. Case in point, terms & conditions vs. bill of rights:

If this works well for JetBlue, we may see many companies in other industries stepping forward with their own “Bill of Rights” to appease their mob of angry customers.


It’s a fundamental shift in power and perpective here—companies put forth the Terms and Conditions, which a customer must agree to and abide by. But a Bill of Rights, is a more customer oriented piece that clearly establishes performance objectives and remedies, it frames the expectations from a customer perspective, not the company’s. It’s about providing the customer more choice, more recourse and control.

Here's an easy test to see how customer-oriented a company's policies are: what size is the text? Terms and conditions are fine print; a bill of rights goes on the front page.

About Nathan Gilliatt

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  • Voracious learner and explorer. Analyst tracking technologies and markets in intelligence, analytics and social media. Advisor to buyers, sellers and investors. Writing my next book.
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