This is not tweetworthy


This is not tweetworthyThis is my new unconference shirt. During my session at BlogCarolinas, a participant who wasn't getting much out of the session tweeted that it was not tweetworthy. Actually, he said more than that, but that's not my point. The point is: next time, I'll have this shirt, and it's going to make a difference.

(For those unfamiliar with Twitter jargon, tweetworthy simply means worth mentioning on Twitter. Much of BlogCarolinas was tweeted—written about on Twitter.)

How the shirt works
If my session isn't tweetworthy, the shirt will provide fair warning. If it is tweetworthy, it may be because the shirt reminded me to stay in touch with the people in the room to make sure what I'm saying is relevant to them. I'm counting on the latter outcome.

No need to look it up. Here's the tweet that inspired the shirt:

Session on metrics @blogcarolinas boring me. Not tweetworthy. Bureaucratic theoretic marketing goblydegook. Irrelevant to practical actions.
Kevin and I have since had a friendly exchange of email and tweets. I wasn't offended, anyway. Feedback is good, even when the message is that I missed part of my audience. We're planning a follow-up discussion at BarCampRDU this summer. For BarCamp, though, I think I'll skip the bureaucratic, theoretical marketing gobbledygook and do a geeky session on cool RSS tricks, instead. That should fit right in with the BarCamp vibe.

I'm just hoping it will be tweetworthy this time. :-)

Disclosure: I used this episode to explore the retail side of CaféPress. If you buy the shirt, I'll get a small markup.

Update: Proof it's friendly now.


Hi Nathan:

Nice post - and a good thought for anyone who makes a lot of presentations. Will this presentation be tweetworthy to my audience. Am I saying anything remarkable. If not - then what am I doing here!


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About Nathan Gilliatt

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  • Voracious learner and explorer. Analyst tracking technologies and markets in intelligence, analytics and social media. Advisor to buyers, sellers and investors. Writing my next book.
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