links for 2009-07-25

  • Every time there's coverage of autonomous killing machines, we wonder if the scientists, engineers, and military people have seen any of the Terminator movies. As the science advances, we need to start reminding them of Asimov, too. In his fiction, he explored important, philosophical issues related to intelligent machines and the consequences of ignoring them. Start with the three laws of robotics, and ask what happens when you apply Murphy's Law to a robot that lacks them.
  • There's a lot of enthusiasm in social media circles. Let's not lose credibility by making extravagant claims about causation where it isn't. In this case, the broken guitar served mostly to confirm the reputation United (and most airlines) already had, and there are more plausible explanations of their stock price moves.

About Nathan Gilliatt

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  • Voracious learner and explorer. Analyst tracking technologies and markets in intelligence, analytics and social media. Advisor to buyers, sellers and investors. Writing my next book.
  • Principal, Social Target
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