Jodange mines sentiment for investors

Count on DEMO to include new companies to put on the radar. Jodange is a startup text analytics company focusing on mining financial documents and expert sources and understanding the relationship between sentiment and market prices. Of course, we already know the ROI of good predictions in financial markets.

Top of Mind is the company's service for analyzing "hundreds of thousands of documents tracking the Fortune 1000 and S&P 500, including everything from annual financial reports to transcripts of quarterly calls, CEO presentations, analyst reports and financial blogs."

The overlay charts with both sentiment and price trends suggest that Top of Mind will be useful in identifying which sources actually correlate to price moves. In the financial context, that's a pretty good definition of influence—correlation is as good as causation if it's consistent.

Jodange competes indirectly with Collective Intellect and Monitor110, but their approach is different. Jodange is focused on sentiment in carefully selected sources, while the others are looking for facts not widely known. I assume some interesting A/B tests will take place to determine the relative value of each approach; I also assume the results of those test will be quite confidential.

Looking forward to the video from DEMO tomorrow. For now, the detail is on the web site and in the press release, although CTOs in the room may be interested in the research papers on their downloads page.


About Nathan Gilliatt

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